About us

Community-IX brings sponsors of IP-Transit and non-commercial projects in Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg together

Community-IX was created, because in Berlin there were many non-commercial projects searching independent for IP-Transit sponsoring. This is exhausting for the project, but also for the sponsor, as he has to expend effort for each project. A crossconnect is required, a port on the router is occupied, and BGP sessions and filter lists must be set up and maintained.

With Community-IX the effort is reduced to one port on his router, one crossconnect and one-time configuration of BGP sessions to our route servers through which all prefixes can be exchanged between IP-Transit sponsors and communities. With the connection to Community-IX, communities as well as sponsors can concentrate more on their core projects and can directly reach other projects and IP-Transit sponsors.

Thanks to multiple locations, for peers we can also offer Layer 2 transport between most locations.